The Communist
Shinseiki [New Century]
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No. 333
November 2024 Issue
(Printed in September 2024)

Besiege Putin the aggressor!

Ukrainian forces' operation to gain control of Kursk; Putin's ruling system shaken

The August 4th International Antiwar Assemblies uplifted

Crush Russia's aggression against Ukraine!
Condemn Israel's massacres in Gaza!
For an upsurge in the struggle to prevent a nuclear war!

The 62nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Shatter Putin's war and Netanyahu's war!
Create an explosive upsurge in our struggle to prevent the outbreak of nuclear warfare!

The Keynote report to the central meeting

Stop Israel’s provocation of war throughout the Middle East!

Denounce Israel’s genocide in Gaza!
Condemn America’s full support to Israel!

The first US-Japan ministerial conference on 'extended deterrence'

No to the building and strengthening of the system for the US and Japan to conduct nuclear pre-emptive strikes!

The European Parliament elections: the rise of far-right parties

Macron-led France shaken by the rise of far-right fascists

Scholz in a dilemma
Neo-Nazi AfD’s detached corps
Terrible repression of Georgians
The Russian army is deceiving Asian and African youths into fighting on the front line
Bangladesh: the regime collapsed by the uprising of students and people

Japan's dash for becoming a 'semiconductor power', combined with the strengthening of the US-Japan global alliance

Denounce JR Tokai and the Kishida government for going on with the maglev Shinkansen construction in disregard of strong opposition!

Denounce the JCP-affiliated Zenroren
[National Confederation of Trade Unions] leadership's treachery to the 2024 spring labour offensive!
The deceitful nature of Zenroren’s policy of 'going on a strike'

The 17th National Convention of the JP Union
Delegates' anger unleashed on the low compromise wage hike figures and redundancies

Criticisms cropped up against the leadership's ‘business visions' and the 'vision of the future'

Overseas Appeal for the 62nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
The Executive Committee for the 62nd International Antiwar Assembly
Crush the Putin regime's war of aggression in Ukraine!
Denounce the Netanyahu regime for genocide against Palestinians in Gaza!
Prevent the outbreak of a nuclear war with the unity of the world’s people!

Click to see the English version


No. 332
September 2024 Issue
(Printed July 2024)

Come together for the International Antiwar Assembly
August 4th!

Overseas Appeal for the 62nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Crush the Putin regime's war of aggression in Ukraine!
Denounce the Netanyahu regime for genocide against Palestinians in Gaza!
Prevent the outbreak of a nuclear war with the unity of the world’s people!

The Executive Committee for the 62nd International Antiwar Assembly
Click to see the English version

Justice for Ukrainian Workers!
Ukrainian unionists' joint appeal

Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war erupting amid the 'new East-West cold war'!

Workers and Students' United Actions

Rise up across the country!
Stop the tremendous military buildup! Stop the constitutional revision!
Pulverize the US-Japan global alliance!
Smash Putin's war! Condemn Israel's genocide against Palestinian people in Gaza!

Sino-Russian summit talks

A bloodstained handshake between the invader of Ukraine and its supporter

Denounce the rape of a young girl by an American soldier!
Stop the reclamation work in Oura Bay in Henoko!

The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL

No to a tremendous increase in tuition fees at national, public and private universities!
The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)
'Anti-Semite'-baiting is raging in campuses across the US

No to the revision of the Local Autonomy Law!

Denounce Russia's aggression and massacres of people in Ukraine!
Bring down the FSB-helmed authoritarian ruling system!

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people (6)
Sharing their anger against the degenerate self-styled Western Left

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people (7)
Class solidarity that has crossed the ocean

A desperate struggle of BOJ Governor Ueda to get out of 'different dimension' monetary easing

An appeal to postal workers for the union's 17th National Convention
Let us reject the compromises agreed upon by the union leadership in the 2024 Shunto! Prevent the leadership from adopting the 'future plan'!
The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL

Denounce the NTT union leadership for justifying its acceptance of the ultra-low wage hike!

The deceitful nature of the 'work style reform of doctors'
Don't allow the legalization of medical workers' long working hours by the Health Ministry and the government!

How did revolutionary and militant education workers fight against the enactment of the notorious law concerning overtime?


No. 331
July 2024 Issue
(Printed May 2024)
Foil the creation and buildup of an
Asia-Pacific version of NATO!

Stop the massive military buildup! Prevent the constitutional revision!
Smash Putin's war!
Stop Israel from attacking Rafah in full force!
Central Students' Orgburo

Smash the fortification of the Southwest Islands!
Let us stop the new US base construction in Henoko!
It is time to fight against the US-Japan military alliance!

The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL

The Shooting Incident in Moscow: a Conspiracy
Russian working people, rise up now to bring down the Putin regime!

Stop the Netanyahu regime’s all-out attack on Rafah! Denounce the imposition of starvation on Gazans!

The NTT Law to be abolished
A headlong dash towards the military use of cutting-edge communications technology


Japan-UK-Italy joint development of a next-generation fighter
Thwart the enactment of an economic security law for a ‘security clearance’ system!

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people
A meeting with new friends: a report on our exchange of ideas with Ukrainian leftists

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people
What I felt and thought in a direct dialogue with Ukrainian leftists

Denounce the low-pay ‘offers and agreements’ reached in unity by management and labour aristocrats

Stop monopolies from raising prices! Win a big, across-the-board wage increase!

Electrical workers’ 2024 shunto
Let us make a militant spring offensive

The anti-working class nature of the ‘action plan for the 2024 shunto’ of the JAW [Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers’ Unions]

Toyota workers' shunto amid the successive exposures of scandals in its affiliated companies

The 2024 shunto of Shitetsu-soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers’ Unions]
Denounce the union leadership for demanding an increase in fares!

For a militant upsurge in NTT workers’ spring wage offensive!

The JAM [Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] shunto
Win a big, across-the-board wage hike

Postal workers' shunto
Denounce the union leaders for agreeing to the management’s derisory pay offer

For an upsurge of publishing workers’ 2024 spring labour offensive

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake
The water supply still cut off due to delays in repair work

The water still cut off
Quake damage compounded by the local government’s policy of wide-area water supply and outsourcing

Some thoughts on so-called discriminatory expressions

Smash Putin’s war!
 (English translation)
Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)

The Shooting Incident in Moscow: a Conspiracy
 (English translation)
Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)


No. 330
May 2024 Issue
(Printed March 2024)

Smash Putin's war!
Two years after Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Let us fight in solidarity with working people all over the world!

Ukraine antiwar struggle flared up in Tokyo:
February 25th

In solidarity with fighting Ukrainian people

Introduction by the International Division of the JRCL
I. Ukrainian Letter of Solidarity with Palestinian People
-------Ukraine-Palestine Solidarity Group
 Why Ukrainians Should Support Palestinians
-------Daria Saburova
II. Ten Terrible Leftist Arguments against Ukrainian Resistance
-------Oksana Dutchak
III. Thinking about solutions, we must at least not mistake the causes
-------Hanna Perekhoda

No to price raising by the government and monopoly capitalists!
Win a big, across-the-board wage raise!

For a militant upsurge of the 2024 shunto!

The first keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on Feb. 11th

Stop the military build-up and the constitutional revision!
No to tax increases and cuts in social security!

Let us fight to bring down the reactionary Kishida government!
The second keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on Feb. 11th

For an explosive upsurge of postal workers' 2024 shunto!

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake
Denounce the Kishida government for deserting earthquake victims!

The Shika Nuclear Power Plant in danger of losing external power supplies

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
-----------Don't allow the power company's overbearing attitude about the bankruptcy of its 'decommissioning plan'

Denounce the government and its research committee for having ignored the undersea active faults

Quake victims driven to 'disaster-related deaths'

Xi fears the rage of workers and peasant workers

■ The dark side of China, the 'number-one' car exporting country in the world


No. 329
March 2024 Issue
(Printed January 2024)

Fight for a revolutionary overturn of
the dark world!
Let us advance under the banner of anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism!

Smash the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Thwart the revision of the Constitution!
Central Students' Orgburo

Shatter Putin's war! Condemn the genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza!
Bring down the reactionary Kishida government!

Denounce the Aichi Univ. authorities' decision on the 'nonrecognition' of the students' self-governing association and the 'indefinite suspension of the offering of facilities'!
Reject the unilateral order to 'indefinitely suspend the activities' of two student circles
The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)
The Tokai Regional Committee of the MSL (RMF)

Smash the revision of the National University Corporation Law!
Stop the government and the Education Ministry from taking neo-fascistic control of universities
The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)

Universities of International Research Excellence
A scheme to build research and development hubs of dual-use technologies

The world economy today revealing grave decay amid the US-China confrontation
'De-globalization' and intensified economic battles

A special feature

Stop Israel's genocide of Palestinians in Gaza!

- Hamas' struggle for the liberation of Palestine
- What is Zionism?
- The origin of the Palestinian issues
- Palestine Liberation Organization: degeneration and betrayals
- US policies towards the Middle East
- Crimes repeated by the Stalinist Soviet Union

To Lotta Comunista: Stop defending Putin!

Long strikes of the UAW: Workers achieved big wage increases

A business tie-up with Yamato Transport
Japan Post management to impose tremendously increased amount of parcel sorting and delivery on workers

Denounce Israel's massive attack on Gaza!


No. 328
January 2024 Issue
(Printed November 2023)

Denounce Israel's massive air strikes on Gaza!
Stop the genocide against Palestinian people!

Condemn the massacre of the Gazans!

Stop Israeli forces' ground raid into Gaza!

60 years after the formation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL
The JRCL public political meeting brimmed with fighting spirit
Make a great step forward under the banner of 'anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism'!

Break through the danger of the outbreak of a thermonuclear war!
Crush the Kishida government's huge military expansion, revision of the Constitution and strengthening of Ampo! Create an overwhelming upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar struggle!
Central Students' Orgburo

- The tragedy of Nagorno-Karabakh
- A new base for the Black Sea Fleet in Abkhazia
- A pro-Chinese regime to be established in Maldives
- The US initiated 'Pacific Islands Forum'

The earth growing hot
Western, Japanese and Chinese rulers undermine anti-global warming measures

Impeach the false charge of 'fraud' by the Aichi Prefectural Police!
Denounce the police for unwarrantable searches of the Aichi and Nagoya University students' houses and the Tokai branch office of the JRCL!
The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)
The Tokai Regional Committee of the MSL(RMF)

Condemn the unlawful arrest of an antiwar activist worker in the Kansai region on Sept. 9th!

What will become of workers when a 'wage system based on job description' is introduced?
The true character of Kishida's 'three-part labour market reform'

Denounce the labour aristocrats for assisting Kishida's military buildup, planned constitutional revision and promotion of nuclear development!
The 71st national convention of the Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions

Let us achieve a militant strengthening of the Union!
The 97th national convention of Jichiro [All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union

The pro-JCP leadership urges workers to 'work hard for residents'
The 45th regular convention of Jichiroren
[Japan Federation of Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Unions]

Go forward by overcoming the 'labour movement designed for the defense of the printing industry'!

Criticism of the 2023 Course of Action for Zen'insoren
[General Federation of Japan Printing and Publishing Workers' Unions]

Messages from Foreign Friends to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly (Part 2)


No. 327
November 2023 Issue
(Printed September 2023)

Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war impending amid the clash between the US vs. China-Russia!
Stir up the flames of the Ukraine antiwar struggle!

No to the strengthening of the US-Japan-ROK nuclear military alliance!
Stop the creation of an Asia-Pacific version of NATO!

The International Antiwar Assembly held in high spirits
Crush Putin's war! Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war erupting amid the headlong clash between the US and China/Russia!

Messages of solidarity from overseas to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly
(Translated into Japanese) Part 1

The assassination of Prigozhin: what lies at the bottom

India's diplomacy of 'strategic autonomy'
Modi's attempt to win 'Global South' countries around in rivalry with China

The Russia-Africa Summit Meeting in Moscow
A coup in Niger

A 'Sino-American semiconductor war' and an impending crisis over Taiwan

LSGE 2023, a US-led global scale military exercise

The centenary of the Great Kanto Earthquake

The massacre of Koreans and the assassination of labour movement leaders

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant

Denounce the discharge of radioactively contaminated water into the ocean!

Denounce the restart of Takahama No.1 nuclear reactor!

The criminal nature of Kishida's 'Fukushima creative reconstruction' measures

Aimed to promote research on information control, or crisis management, in an emergency

A Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor in imminent danger of collapsing

One trouble after another over the 'My Number card' system

No to the government's imposition of a duty to acquire an identification card!
 Denounce the government for shifting the blame onto municipal workers!

Support Sogo & Seibu workers rising in a strike

Achieve the annulment of the special measures law that legitimates teachers' overtime without pay!

JRCL Education Workers Committee

The 26th national convention of All NTT Workers Unions

Delegates condemned the leadership's withdrawal of the '100 thousand yen' demand

The 16th national convention of the JP Union

Delegates' anger exploded at the leadership's full collaboration with the management


Overseas Appeal for the 61st International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

Messages from Foreign Friends to the 61st International Antiwar Assembly
(Part 1)


No. 326

September 2023 Issue
(Printed July 2023)

Crush the ultra-reactionary offensives of the Kishida government to expand armaments, revise the Constitution and strengthen the US-Japan military alliance!
Fight for the overthrow of the Kishida-led Japanese-type neo-fascist government!

Advance antiwar, anti-military alliance and anti-constitutional revision struggles! Crush Putin's war!

US-Philippine joint military exercise: US imperialism intent on winning the Philippines over to the anti-Chinese encircling net

Deliver a vehement denunciation to the Kishida government's reactionary pieces of legislation!

- The Defense Funds legislation aimed at a trmendous military buildup

- Enactment of a law to boost the infrastructure of the munitions industry

- The launch of Official Security Assistance, a new military aid programme

- Legislation aimed at promoting nuclear power generation

- Making the possession of My Number
[identification number] cards mandatory

- Revision of the Immigration Control and Refugee-Recognition Law aimed to expel refugees

Kishida's 'new capitalism' integrated with a plot to build Japan into a military power

DX and the imposition of unemployment / independently contracted gigs

Generative AI fever

Don't impose sacrifices on the working class and the toiling people!

Covid-19 classification: from Class 2 to Class 5
Denounce the Kishida government for abandoning infection control measures and sacrificing social security

The Wager Rebellion: The Russian ruling system shaken

Overseas Appeal for the 61st International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Create an antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of nuclear war erupting amid the clash between the US and China/Russia!
The Executive Committee for the 61st International Antiwar Assembly

Denounce the blasting of the Kakhovka dam perpetrated by Putin!

'Russia's defeat' laid bare in the Victory Day ceremony on May 9th

Let's fight against Russia's aggression in Ukraine! Q & A
(English translation)

The Japanese Stalinist party on the verge of disruption
Over the issue of expelling N. Matsutake, a former executive, from the party

The anti-working class nature of the JCP's policy of 'opposing Kishida's military buildup'

Reject the union leadership's agreement on the derisory wage increase in the 2023 spring labour offensive!
The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL

The spring labour offensive in the electric industry
Denounce the reduction of shunto into labour-management consultations to promote a job-based employment system

UA Zensen
[Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers' Unions]:
Denounce the leadership for agreeing on ultra-low compromise figures!

Toyota's supply chains to be reorganized along with a 'shift to EV'


No. 325
July 2023 Issue
(Printed May 2023)

Rise up against the gigantic military buildup and
against the revision of the Constitution!

Oppose the G7 Summit in Hiroshima for building an Asia-Pacific version of NATO!

Feature articles for new students
Crush Putin's war!
Oppose the revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!

Let us fight together!

Arise under the flag of Zengakuren!

Yusuke Ariki, Zengakuren Chairman

Let's fight against Russia's aggression against Ukraine! Q & A

The Global Week of Action for Solidarity with Ukraine:
Warm solidarity with Ukrainian leftists in resistance

Fight against the US-Japan military alliance, against the revision of the Constitution!
Shatter Putin's war!

Central Students' Orgburo

A special feature The 2023 spring labour offensive against wage cuts amid rising prices
A declared submission to the government and monopoly capitalists emphasizing a 'structural wage raise'
The anti-working class nature of Rengo White Paper 2023

Denounce the leadership of Zenroren for distorting shunto into a petition to the government for 'wage raises'!

Denounce the degenerate leaders of the General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions for agreeing on ultra-low wage hike figures!

Don't allow the leadership of the private railway workers' unions to distort shunto into a movement to 'achieve the demands of traffic policies'!

The 2023 spring offensive of the Federation of All Toyota Workers' Unions
Fight in the face of price rises and the reorganization of the industry!

Denounce the JAM
[Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery, and Manufacturing Workers] leadership for distorting shunto into a 'petition movement' for 'shifting wage raise costs onto raises in product prices'!

Spring offensive of telecommunication workers
Denounce the NTT union leadership for demanding an extremely low rate hike!

Achieve a militant upsurge in publishing workers' 2023 shunto!

Postal workers' spring offensive
Denounce the union leaders' agreement on the derisory pay raise offered by the management!

Win a big, across-the-board wage raise!
Fight for a militant upsurge in the postal shunto!
Don't allow the leadership of JPGU to reduce shunto into a labour-management consultation for 'securing the sustainability of business'!

No. 324

May 2023 Issue
(Printed March 2023)

Crush Putin's war!

Advance the Ukraine antiwar struggle beyond borders!

Shatter Russia's aggression! Protests flaring up all over the world

Putin clinging to the myth of the 'great victory in the Great Patriotic War

Russia's aggression and Ukraine's resistance till today: a chronology

Stop the constitutional revision and a major military build-up!
Crush 'Putin's war'!

Central Students' Orgburo

The American empire in decline: divisions and devastation uncovered

For an explosive upsurge in the 2023 spring labour offensive

Win a big and across-the-board wage increase!
No to the raising of prices by the government and monopoly capitalists!
For a militant upsurge in the 2023 spring labour offensive
The first keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on February 5th

Stop the constitutional revision! No to massive military build-up!
Fight for a mass upsurge in antiwar, anti-military alliance struggles!
The second keynote report to the Workers' Solidarity Meeting on February 5th

Denounce the deceitful pay offers made by Toyota and Honda managements!

The distortion of shunto by the auto workers' union leadership into labour-management consultation for the 'survival of the auto industry'

Create a militant upsurge in electrical workers' 2023 shunto!

Feature articles: 12 years after the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster

Denounce the cabinet decision to prolong the period of operation of nuclear power plants and to promote the building of new reactors!

The Kishida government hell-bent on achieving energy security to build Japan into a military power

The government's dangerous plan to extend the period of operation of nuclear reactors

Negation of the 'finding of active faults' designed to resume the operation of the Shika nuclear plant

No to the discharge of radioactively contaminated water into the ocean!

A scheme to create a base for military technology development in the disaster-stricken area of Fukushima

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant: the plan to 'decommission reactors in forty years' has collapsed


No. 323

March 2023 Issue
(Printed January 2023)

--Turn the age of war into a century of revolution!--

60 years after the formation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL
Break through the crisis of a world war!

From Ukraine, from Russia, from around the world
Fervent messages to the JRCL

Today, 60 years since the formation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction in the JRCL

Let us take a leap forward by reliving the starting point of our anti-Stalinist movement!
A special report to the JRCL political meeting on Dec. 4th, 2022

Denounce the cabinet decision on the ‘three security documents’!

Re-skilling: what does it mean for workers?

---A drastic change in structure to ‘de-globalization’--
---The world economy today shaken by inflation and plunged in a deepening crisis --

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Xi’s ‘sole leadership’ caught up by people’s roars

People’s anger exploded: the collapse of the real-estate bubble in China

Ukrainian forces and people’s battles that drove back Russia’s aggression:
from the beginning of July to December, 2022

Russia’s aggression and battles of the Ukrainian army and people

Judicial records on the Kobe case disposed of
We denounce the cover-up of the state crime!

Shatter a ring of counter-revolutionary elements!
(Continued from the last issue)

***** *****

< New Year supplement >
A New Year’s cartoon: Turn the war into revolution!
 Tanka-like poems: Ukrainians, your fight is ours!
 Photogravure: JRCL public political meeting, December 4th, 2022


No. 322

January 2023 Issue
(Printed in November 2022)
Smash Putin's war! Crush Japan’s military buildup!

Crush the desperate attempts by Putin on the verge of ruin!

Denounce Putin’s missile attacks on the whole of Ukraine!

Xi performed diplomatic manoeuvres to rally the governments of developing countries opposing / distancing the US
-What was shown in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit

Stop the revision of the Constitution! Crush Japan’s military buildup!
Stir up the flames of the Ukraine antiwar struggle!

Central Students’ Orgburo

Fight back against the government’s imposition of sacrifices upon the toiling masses in the name of ‘new capitalism’!

Denounce the holding of Abe’s ‘state funeral’!

-Putin’s Great Russian chauvinism----
-----------An ideology for the war of seizing territory

-Together with Ukrainian People
Central Workers’ Orgburo of the JRCL
Click to see the text

Shatter a ring of counter-revolutionary elements! (Continued from the last issue)


Messages from Foreign Friends to the 60th International Antiwar Assembly (Part 2)
Click to see

No. 321

November 2022 Issue
(Printed September 2022)

Advance Ukraine antiwar struggle!
Oppose the revision of the Constitution of Japan!

Don't allow the holding of neo-fascist Abe's 'state funeral'!

The battle of the Ukrainian armed forces and people to foil Russia's attempt to annex two southern oblasts

Shelling of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant: Denounce Putin's nuclear intimidation!

Dugina killed by a car bomb: an assassination plotted by Putin

Build up struggles from the labour front to prevent the constitutional revision!
Denounce the JTUC leadership for supporting the Kishida-led neo-fascist government!

For an upsurge in the Ukraine antiwar, anti-constitutional revision and anti-Ampo struggles!
A huge success achieved: the International Antiwar Assemblies on August 7th

The keynote speech to the central meeting of the 60th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Smash Putin's war! Break through the crisis of a thermonuclear war impending amid the clash between the US vs. China-Russia!

From overseas on Russia's aggression against Ukraine

- Sotsialnyi Rukh (Social movement)
- The Journal of Social Criticism 'Commons' Ukraine
- Alt Left
- Socialists Against the War Coalition Russia
- AntiCapitalist Resistance
- Tamworth Surrealist Manifestation Britain
- Revolutionary Marxists in Britain Britain
- News and Letters Committees,
- Socialist Workers Party, USA

Right to weapons. How can leftists support Ukrain?

Zakhar Popovych

A 'semiconductor war' heated up amid the clash between the US and China-Russia

Aichi Univ. students' two-month battle
against the university authorities' attempt to destroy students' autonomy

The Japan Marxist Student League (RMF) Aichi University Branch

Shatter a ring of counter-revolutionary elements!


Overseas Appeal for the 60th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Messages from Foreign Friends to the 60th International Antiwar Assembly
(Part 1)
Click to see


No. 320

September 2022 Issue
(Printed in July 2022)

Break through the danger of a thermonuclear war erupting amid the clash between the US and China-Russia!

Thwart the attempts to strengthen the US-Japan military alliance and revise the Constitution!
Denounce all opposition parties for degenerating into obedient supporters of the neo-fascist government! Advance struggles with the aim of toppling the Kishida government!  

A frantic dash to build an ‘Asia-Pacific version of NATO
The meaning of the US-Japan summit and the QUAD summit conference

Fan the flames of the Ukraine antiwar struggle worldwide

Overseas Appeal for the 60th International Antiwar Assembly
The Executive Committee for the 60th International Antiwar Assembly
Working people all over the world, crush Putin's war!

Break through the danger of a thermonuclear war erupting amid the clash between the US and China-Russia!

Denounce the confusion of the self-styled left!
Fan the flames of the Ukraine antiwar struggle!
Central Workers' Orgburo

Degenerate Trotskyists and their failure to confront 'Putin's war'

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation, an accomplice of Putin in the war of aggression

'War on neo-Nazis'
: Putin's demagogy
A Stalin-style attack to exterminate nationalists

The Russian Orthodox Church, a supporter of 'Putin's war'

Denounce Putin for launching armed attacks on Ukrainian nuclear power plants!

Ukrainian railway workers taking on the maintenance of the 'main arteries' of the nation

● The Battle of the Rails in Belarus
● Putin's 'Holodomor': Ukrainian farmers fighting at the risk of their lives

Russia's military aggression in Ukraine and the courageous counteroffensive mounted by the Ukrainian army together with working people: from February 24th to the end of June

***** *****

From a comrade who works in a nursing home visited by a Covid-19 cluster
I am determined to create our fight here!

Nursing facilities hit by Covid-19 clusters:
Kishida's policy compels many elderly patients to stay in nursing homes instead of being treated in hospital


No. 319

July 2022 Issue
(Printed in May 2022)

 Smash 'Putin's War'!

Crush the attempt to make the whole of Okinawa a military fortress!

Advance Ukraine antiwar struggle!
Oppose the revision of the Constitution of Japan!

Overcoming the JCP's abandonment of opposition to Ampo, let us carry forward the antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle!
Central Student Orgburo

What I felt and thought when I talked with Ukrainian people ...

Holodomor in Ukraine
Stalin compelled several millions of Ukrainians to die of starvation'

Lenin's struggle against Stalin's Great Russian nationalism
On the incorporation of Ukraine into the USSR

A chronological table: Russia's aggression in Ukraine and its prehistory

The 2022 spring labour offensive amid poverty and war

Denounce the big company managements' derisory offers! Denounce the union leaders' immediate acceptance!

Denounce the Rengo leadership for serving monopoly capitalists under the slogan 'investment in people'!

The introduction of a 'job-based employment system', coupled with major restructuring

Criticism of Keidanren's 2022 labour management report

Denounce the JP Union leadership for accepting no increase in the basic wage for seven consecutive years!

Achieve an explosive upsurge in postal workers' 2022 spring offensive!

Private railway workers' spring wage struggle
Denounce the agreement on ultra-low figures by the central union leadership and leading company union leaders!

Devotion to the survival of the company in the 'age of carbon neutral'
A criticism of the Toyota union's policies for the 2022 spring labour offensive

For an upsurge of the 2022 spring offensive of auto workers

For victory in the 2022 spring labour offensive!
For the upsurge of the labour movement in the electrical industry!

Let us carry out publishing workers' spring offensive militantly!


No. 318
May 2022 Issue
(Printed in March 2022)

Feature articles 1 Arise against Russia's aggression in Ukraine

Don't allow a general attack on Kiev by the Russian troops!

Denounce Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine!
Russian workers and people, overthrow the Putin government!

Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)

No to aggression in Ukraine!
Russian people, down with Putin!
--- JRCL

Осуждаем агрессию против Украины!

Российские трудящиеся, свергните Путина!
--- СЯРК

Stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine!

Putin's ruthless ambition to "revive great Rus' "

Russia's counteroffensive against the 'eastward expansion of NATO'

A 'regime change in Kazakhstan' plotted by Russia

The flooding of 'immigrants' into Europe staged by Belarus


Create a gigantic anti-constitutional revision, antiwar and anti-Ampo struggle!

US imperialism verging on death

Declaration of military action against China to prepare for a 'Taiwan emergency'
The US-Japan '2 + 2' agreements

Begging the government to adopt 'peaceful diplomacy with the use of Article 9'
The criminal nature of the JCP's policy to oppose the constitutional revision


Feature articles 2: For a militant upsurge of the 2022 spring labour offensive

Win a big, across-the-board wage increase!

Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2022 spring labour offensive!

The first keynote speech to the February 6th Workers' Solidarity Meeting

With the united power of workers, stop the government's move to revise the Constitution!

The second keynote speech to the February 6th Workers' Solidarity Meeting

For a big upsurge of the wage struggle in the spring of 2022

A solidarity speech by a JRCL representative to the February 6th Workers' Solidarity Meeting

Denounce the private railway union leadership for emphasizing a 'thoroughgoing implementation of labour-management consultations'!


No. 317

March 2022 Issue
(Printed in January 2022)

Turn the 21st century of darkness into a century of revolution!
Fight for an overwhelming advancement of the anti-Stalinist communist movement!

Shatter the revision of the Constitution! Smash the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!
Create an antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war mounting amid the 'US-China cold war'!
Central Student Orgburo

GSDF manoeuvres involving 100,000 troops conducted on the supposition of a 'Taiwan emergency'

Despite the crushing defeat, JCP Chairman Shii says the election results showed 'advances in the opposition coalition'

'They still adhere to a violent revolution' (government propaganda): JCP bureaucrats are desperate to deny their past

Xi-led China coming to a dead end

Japan's strategy of reviving its semiconductor industry for an 'economic security guarantee'
The government-led invitation of TSMC and its meaning

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant

The bankruptcy of the government and Tepco's plan of 'decommissioning the reactors in forty years'

Reduction of workers' struggle for higher wages into 'tripartite consultations between the government, labour and management for surviving the crisis for the nation'
-- The criminal nature of Rengo's action plan for the 2022 spring labour offensive

The leadership proposes cuts in wages and worse treatments of employees
-- A criticism of the JP Union leadership's guidelines for the 2022 spring labour offensive

The government is strengthening its ruling system by promoting 'digital administration'

The government is imposing a swift start of online application systems on municipalities

The leadership of Jichiro
[All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union] advocates the 'reinstatement of public services'

The national education research conference of Zenkyo [All Japan Teachers and Staffs Union]:
Denounce the pro-JCP union leadership for abandoning 'opposition to long working hours' and even opposition to the constitutional revision!

The leadership of Zen'insoren
[General Federation of Japan Printing and Publishing Workers' Unions] abandons organizing fightbacks against restructuring and layoffs

On 'the controversy about the popularization of arts'

A historic debate over proletarian arts in 1928

Photogravure: JRCL public political meeting, Tokyo, December 5th, 2021
  A New Year's cartoon: The Grand Sumo Tournament of the World


No. 316
January 2022 Issue
(Printed in November 2021)

Launch a counterattack against the neo-fascist Kishida government!

Fight back against the strengthening of the Japanese-type neo-fascist ruling system!

Crush the reactionary offensive of the Kishida-led new government!
Create an antiwar struggle to break through the impending danger of war amid the US-China cold war!
Central Student Orgburo

The strengthening of the National Security Council-helmed autocratic system by means of the newly established Digital Agency

The Japanese government's policy for 'data security'

Feature articles: Break through the Industrial Patriotic movement

Denounce the labour aristocracy of Rengo
[Japanese Trade Union Confederation, JTUC] for snuggling up to the neo-fascist government!

Conversion to a labour movement supportive of the Kishida-led LDP government:
a criticism of Rengo's Course of Action for 2022-2023

The Toyota labour aristocrats having clung on to the government and the LDP

Reorganization and strengthening of meritocratic education integrated with the promotion of digital transformation
'Individually optimal learning and collaborative learning' underlined
in a report from the advisory body to the Education Minister

Denounce the enforcement of mobilization of pupils to watch the Paralympic Games as a 'school programme'!

Bus driving workers driven hard for the enforced Olympic-related operations

The labour aristocracy requests the government to address 'digital transformation, the new cold war and the carbon neutral agenda
The criticism of the 'Demands 2021' put in by the JC Metal [Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions]

The 69th regular convention of the JEIU
[Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union]
Advocacy of the 'labour movement for the development of the electrical industry'

Japan Post management's reorganization of the delivery system
Don't allow the imposition of sacrifices on postal workers!

Messages from Foreign Friends to the 59th International Antiwar Assembly (Part 2)


No. 315

November 2021 Issue
(Printed in September 2021)

The fall of Kabul:
the militarist empire of America routed

Topple the LDP government with the power of the toiling masses!

Shatter the US-Japan global alliance!
Overcoming the JCP that abandons opposition to the US-Japan military alliance, let us fight!

The keynote speech to the central meeting of the 59th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan

Break through the war crisis impending amid the US-China cold war!

Smash the US attempt to deploy intermediate-range missiles across the Japanese archipelago!

The Suga government hell-bent on establishing a system for 'electronic warfare' against China

With the successful Zengakuren convention as a bridgehead, let us make a great step forward of the revolutionary student movement!

The Japan Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)

The Economic Security Strategy of Japanese imperialism

A strategy of the Japanese state for its survival under the US-China confrontation

The Suga government, having courted healthcare collapse, is now forcing Covid-19 patients into recuperation at home

Patriotic education by the name of the 'Olympic-Paralympic education'

The 14th national convention of the JP Union
Condemn the adoption of the union's Vision for Business Activities that drives postal workers to higher productivity!

My resolution to fight back against the planned rationalization, including the sacking of 35,000 postal workers

Overseas Appeal for the 59th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (English translation)
Messages from Foreign Friends to the 59th International Antiwar Assembly
(Part 1)


No. 314

September 2021 Issue
(Printed in July 2021)

Overseas Appeal for the 59th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Rise up in antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war breaking out amid the US-China cold war!
The Executive Committee for the 59th International Antiwar Assembly

Denounce the bloody repression of people in Myanmar by the military junta

Overthrow the Suga government rushing to hold the Olympics amid the pandemic and healthcare collapse

The criminal nature of the Suga government's hosting of the Olympics and 'acceleration of mass vaccination' for that purpose

The Suga government is giving commands to 'accelerate mass vaccination' while neglecting to take due countermeasures against infection

No to the Suga government's reform of the social security system

A livelihood protection system for which needy people hesitate to apply

The explosive spread of Covid-19 invited by the Modi-led Indian government

An imaginary conversation:
anti-Marxist prospect for 'future society' posed by the JCP leadership

Denounce the leadership of Rengo for feigning the innocence of the consequences of their destruction of shunto

Absolutely no to the 35,000 redundancies of postal workers!

Postal workers' struggle: Oppose the dismissals and redeployment connected with the introduction of a new delivery system

Denounce the leadership of the electrical industry unions for agreeing on derisory wage increase

Teleworking plunges workers into the depths of alienation

Don't allow the management to shift all burdens to workers for developing NTT into a global ICT corporation

Toyota spring labour offensive in 2021: the anti-proletarian nature of the labour-management consultation over the company's 'survival strategies'

Stop the development of a fast neutron reactor!

Economic competition intensifying between the US-Japan, China and European powers over 'decarbonization'


No. 313
July 2021 Issue
(Printed in May 2020)

The US-Japan summit meeting
Declaration of the strengthening of the offensive and defensive alliance against China

Break through the danger of the outbreak of war created by the 'US-China confrontation'!
Central Students’ Orgburo

Special features
For fightbacks against dismissals and wage cuts amid the spread of COVID-19

Smash attempts to reduce the spring labour offensive to labour-management consultation aimed to 'survive the national crisis'!

The Zenroren
[National Confederation of Trade Unions]
leadership crying for the 'recovery of the Japanese economy'

NTT workers' shunto:
Denounce the union leadership's collaboration in the 'improvement of productivity'!

The struggle of the JC Metal
[Japan Council of Metal workers' Unions]:
Labour aristocrats' dissolution of shunto into labour-management consultation for 'sustainable development of companies'

Electrical industrial workers' shunto:
Fight back against monopoly capitalists intent on reorganizing their businesses under the slogan 'digitalization and decarbonization'!

Abandonment of wage hike demands by the leadership of Shitetsu Soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions]
 Denounce the Shitetsu Soren leadership for accepting wage cuts!

Publishing workers' shunto:
No to the distortion of struggles by the union leaders based on the line of 'defending the publishing industry'!

The 13th convention of the Japan Post Union:
The abandonment of struggles for higher wages and a rush towards a 'structural reform of business activities'

Postal workers' shunto:
Denounce the JP Union leadership for accepting 'zero increase in the basic wage' for six consecutive years'!

Toyota's new 'performance-based wage' system:
Emphasizing 'trustworthy humanities', the management requires utmost sacrifices on workers

No to the redundancy of 10,000 steel workers planned by Nippon Steel Corporation!


The present-day world economy deepening its decay amid the 'pandemic depression'

Condemn the government decision to discharge radioactively contaminated water, including tritium, from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the ocean!

Stop the restart of operation of the ageing reactors of Kansai Electric Power Co.!

The criminal nature of the Suga government's 'creative Fukushima reconstruction' measures

Denounce the Suga government's cover-up of damages from radiation exposure!


No. 312
May 2021 Issue
(Printed in March 2021)

Bring down the Suga government!
Denounce its act of leaving the toiling masses in the lurch!

With the united power of workers and students, overthrow the Suga government!

Create a militant upsurge in the anti-war, anti-constitutional revision, and anti-fascism struggles!
Central Students' Orgburo

Zengakuren Chairman's speech at the JRCL public political meeting,
Dec. 6th

Don't allow the deployment of the GSDF Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade to US Camp Schwab in Henoko!
The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL

The Biden-led new administration frantic to 'rebuild' the declining empire

On the Fifth Plenary of the 19th CPC Central Committee
The Xi leadership intent on getting through the economic crisis and strengthening the autocratic rule

A Workers' Solidarity Meeting, Feb. 14th
Fight for victory in the 2021 spring labour offensive!
Win a big, across-the-board wage hike!
Denounce the government for abandoning the toiling masses struggling in poverty!
The first keynote speech

Shatter the Suga government's reactionary offensives amid the pandemic!
The second keynote speech

The bourgeoisie's post-COVID 19 strategy for intensifying exploitation

--- A criticism of Keidanren's 2020 labour management report

Dissolution of shunto into 'tripartite consultations between the government, labour and management aimed to survive the national crisis'

--- The criminal nature of the JTUC's action plan for the 2021 spring labour offensive

Distortion of shunto into labour-management consultations for a 'permanent development of the industry'
--- A criticism of the JAW [Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions]'s action plan for 2021 shunto

Postal workers' struggle

Fight militantly rejecting the union leadership's distortion of shunto into one for 'improving business operations'!

A speech by a worker representative at the JRCL public political meeting,
Dec. 6th

Ten years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuclear plant disaster
Denounce the government for abandoning disaster victims, for being dead set on resuming nuclear reactor operations!

No to the construction of a nuclear waste dumpsite in Horonobe, Hokkaido!

Stop the continued operation of Genkai No. 3 reactor with the use of MOX
[plutonium-mixed fuel]!

JCP bureaucrats daydreaming a change of government and tumbling down into further degeneration


No. 311
March 2021 Issue
(Printed in January 2021)

Carve out a new age of revolution!

Put an end to the imposition of poverty amid the pandemic!
Promote antiwar, anti-fascism struggles!

We proclaim the final, great conclusion of our struggle in the third split of the JRCL
A special report to the JRCL political meeting on December 6th

The JRCL public political meeting achieved overwhelming success: Dec. 6th
1300 workers and students proclaimed their resolve to advance

-------Photogravure: JRCL public political meeting, Tokyo, December 6th, 2020
-------A New Year's cartoon: The world haunted by monsters amid the US-China cold war

Stop the buildup of the US-Japan offensive and defensive alliance against China!

Keen Sword 21: the largest ever US-Japan joint field training exercises conducted all over Japan

A US-Japan joint drill for EABO
[Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations] performed in a desert island in Kyushu

Rivalry between China and the US/Japan intensifying over the Senkaku Islands

A move towards the buildup of a triangular military alliance between the US, Japan and Australia

US bases in Okinawa being strengthened as frontline bases against China

The US Sasebo Naval Base authorities impose excessive work on Japanese security guard workers

For a militant upsurge of the 2021 spring labour offensive

Overthrow the Suga government leaving toiling people in the lurch!

Central Workers' Orgburo

Dissolution of Shunto into 'tripartite consultations between the government, labour and management':

JTUC leadership's 'Basic Plan' for the 2021 spring labour offensive

The latest recommendation by the National Personnel Authority
Denounce the Authority's direction to cut government employees' bonuses!

NTT: to make NTT DOCOMO a wholly owned subsidiary

Indignation is mounting
Outrageously long working hours and intensified labour imposed on education workers

Don't allow the application to education workers of the 'yearly working hour calculation system' based on a fabrication of 'less busy seasons'!

Despite the spreading epidemic, the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education conducted a National Achievement Test

Denounce the postal management for deploying no additional staff to prearrange mail deliveries in the busiest 'year-end to new-year period'!


No. 310
January 2021 Issue
(Printed in December 2020)

Shatter the Suga government’s attempts to build a pre-emptive strike system and revise the Constitution!
Central Students’ Orgburo

Denounce PM Yoshihide Suga’s refusal to appoint six scholars as new members of the Science Council of Japan! Oppose the Suga government’s fascistic suppression of free speech!
[All-Japan Federation of Students’Self-Governing Associations]

Smash Suga’s attempt to make the JSC a submissive body in support of the war policy of the government!

The US presidential elections reflecting the death agonies of the militarist empire

An adviser to PM Suga counsels weeding out ‘unproductive’ small enterprises

Suga-style media manipulation:
‘Group interviews’ instead of press conferences, with only a select few allowed to question

Stop the construction of Japan’s pre-emptive strike system!
The reactionary nature of the ‘Opinion’ by the ruling LDP’s Policy Research Council

Defense of Japan 2020: a positive response to the US war plan against China

Stop the relocation of US forces’ Field Carrier Landing Practice to Mage-shima Island!

Development of biological weapons promoted behind the scenes of ‘COVID-19 vaccine development’

The Suga government accelerating nuclear development

The construction of a final high-level nuclear disposal site

No to the two local governments announcing candidacy as host towns for the disposal site!

The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village
‘Safety measures satisfy the standard’: the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s deceitful decision

Sendai nuclear reactors No. 1 and No. 2
Kyushu Electric Power Company hell-bent on putting up facilities required for the resumption of reactor operations

The JCP bureaucrats possessed by an aspiration to join a coalition government

The 2004 party programme: JCP leader Fuwa frantic to cover up his erstwhile glorification of China

No to the enforcement of junior high history and civics textbooks virtually as ‘government-approved’ textbooks!

No to the introduction of ‘telematics’, another offensive of rationalization in mail collections and deliveries!

The JCP head’s ridiculous view on the possibility of a ‘permanent development of capitalism’
The criminal nature of Tetsuzo Fuwa’s theory of economic crisis


Messages from Foreign Friends to the 58th International Antiwar Assembly (Part 2)


No. 309

November 2020 Issue
(Printed in September 2020)

Now is the time to strengthen antiwar struggles!
Fight against neo-fascism!
Shatter reactionary offensives by the new government headed by Suga!

Cartoons:The bad guy wiped out

The keynote speech to the Central Meeting of the 58th International Antiwar Assembly

Create an antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war erupting amid the 'US-China cold war'!

The integration of US and Japanese forces against China 
- The revised 'basic space plan': US-Japan joint development of a military satellite network
- Japan's Space Operations Squadron: to support the US' 'space domination'
- Flying 'lethal robots': competition over the development of AI warplanes between the US and China-Russia
- Japan's foundation of a new corps for 'electronic warfare'
- US Marines to be reorganized as frontline deployment forces against China

A dash for a 'great contemporary socialist country'
--- China's National People's Congress ---

Fukushima nuclear reactors
Stop the government-planned discharge of tritium-contaminated water into the ocean!

The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village

Denounce the Nuclear Regulation Authority for authorizing the company's 'new safety measures'!

Fight against dismissals and wage cuts amid the 'pandemic depression'!

Imposition of harsh labour on workers: the Health Ministry's 'health centre reforms'

Japan Post: deceptions in 'preventive measures' against infection

Postal life insurance: the management shifting all the blames for 'inappropriate sales' onto workers

After the lifting of school closure: teachers' indignation mounting at extremely intensified labour

Monopoly capitalists of the chemical industry shifting the burden onto workers

Objective cognition and value consciousness or value judgment

On the publication of the Collected Works of Kan'ichi Kuroda

The Publication Commission of the Collected Works of Kan'ichi Kuroda


Overseas Appeal for the 58th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (English translation)

Messages from Foreign Friends to the 58th International Antiwar Assembly
(Part 1)

No. 308

September 2020 Issue
(Printed in July 2020)

Overseas Appeal for the 58th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Create an antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war erupting amid the US-China cold war!
The Executive Committee for the 58th International Antiwar Assembly

Denounce the enactment and enforcement of the Hong Kong National Security Law!

Create an upsurge of antiwar, anti-constitutional revision struggle!
Topple the Abe government which leaves poverty-stricken people in the lurch!    

Special feature articles Reports from workplaces: amid the spread of COVID-19
Let us raise angry voices of healthcare workers against the Abe government from the workplaces!

Let us create a trade union movement from our workplaces, from hospitals!

'Anti-coronavirus measures' taken by Osaka Governor Yoshimura and Mayor Matsui, both belonging to Ishin, another neo-fascist party

The Abe government imposing sacrifices on health centre workers

Abe avoids responsibility for failure to establish an effective PCR testing system

The Abe government and local authorities exposing garbage collecting workers to the danger of infection

The number of people applying for welfare benefits is increasing rapidly

On-line application for the 'emergency financial aid of 100,000 yen for each' has thrown city offices into wild confusion

Postal workers exposed to the danger of infection

Denounce the Abe government for abandoning students in financial difficulties!
Students across the country! Rise to topple the government!
The Japan Marxist Student League (RMF) Waseda University Branch

No to wage cuts, dismissals and rejection of employment contract renewals by the automobile monopolies!

Cruel layoffs imposed on Toyota's subcontract factory workers

Amid the 'pandemic depression':
a drastic restructuring planned by capitalists in the steel industry

Distortion of the spring labour offensive into a joint labour-management consultation for the promotion of 'digital transformation'
Denounce the leadership of the Japanese Electrical, Electronic & Information Unions!

NTT West Japan's newly introduced 'area-based employment system'

No to the imposition of low wages, unilateral transfer, reassignment and intensified labour!

Denounce the JTU leadership's dependence on the Education Ministry's 'future review' of the 'special measures law' that legalizes teachers' overtime without pay!

The world economy plunged into a 'pandemic depression'ensive!

Learning from Kuroda's 'Lecture on Revolution', included in his Introduction to Marxism, vol. 4
I'll grasp the quintessence of anti-Stalinism and make it my own

On the 'penetration of our organizing tactics' in the topos of mass movement


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle (Part 15)
- The struggle of denouncing the Lockheed Scandal, fought as an antiwar struggle, 1976

No. 307
July 2020 Issue
(Printed in May 2020)

Special feature articles
Amid the coronavirus pandemic:
Stir the flames of anti-Abe government!
Bring down the Abe government leaving the masses in the lurch!

Virus research in China: incorporated in a national strategy

Don't let the rulers sacrifice the toiling masses amid the 'pandemic depression'!

No to the authoritarian declaration of a 'state of emergency' without livelihood compensation! 

Compensate all households for income losses, directly and unconditionally!
Supply funds and necessary equipments to medical facilities immediately!

Denounce the Abe government for abandoning students in financial difficulties!
Free tuition for university students! Give livelihood supports to all students immediately!
The Japan Marxist Student League
(Revolutionary Marxist Faction)

Abandonment of people suffering in the middle of the spread of COVID-19

Tanka Poems
How I abhor capital that takes advantage of the pandemic!

A report from medical workers in Tokyo

Struggling on the brink of a collapse in the health care system

Stop the reorganization of metropolitan hospitals into 'independent administrative corporations'!

The bitter struggle of workers in eldercare facilities

Education workers struggling amid the emergency school closure

Trump, the one responsible for inviting the explosive spread of the epidemic

* * *

Denounce the leaders of the private railway and bus workers' union for agreeing on ultra-low figures of wage increase!

Bus drivers, exposed to the danger of infection, are faced with the attacks of wage cuts and layoffs

Let us, private railway and bus workers, fight the 2020 spring labour offensive! Overcome the union leadership's distorted campaign to 'achieve demands for better traffic policies'!

Fight out the labour offensive in opposition to the destructive attempts of the leadership of the JAW [Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions]!

Don't let the labour aristocracy destroy the spring labour offensive of the JEC [Japanese Federation of Energy and Chemistry Workers' Unions]!

Denounce the NTT union leadership for agreeing on absurdly low figures of pay hikes and a still wider gap between employees!

No to the planned closedown of Nippon Steel Corporation's ironworks in Kure!

Denounce the Japan Post Union leaders' acceptance of 'zero pay increase' for five consecutive years!


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle (Part 14)
The struggle against the making of Yokosuka the home port of the aircraft carrier USS Midway, from September to November, 1973

No. 306
May 2020 Issue
(Printed in March 2020)

Bring down the Abe-led do-nothing government incapable of addressing the epidemic!

Now is the time to step up the anti-Abe Government struggle!    
Create a torrent of protest movement against the revision of the Constitution, against war, against the military alliance!

Medical workers obliged to fight tough struggles due to Abe's incompetence

Coronavirus outbreak

The Xi Jinping government frantic to control information and conceal facts

China's manipulation of information using the Director-General of the WHO as a tool

The 'breakdown' in COP 25 negotiations

World rulers' interests clashing head-on amid worsening global warming

A revision of the JCP programme: the worship of state monopoly capitalism

Organizational, ideological collapse exposed: the 28th Congress of the JCP

Fight for victory in the 2020 spring labour offensive!

Win big, across-the-board wage hikes!
 Create a gigantic surge of struggles against the constitutional revision!

Central Workers' Orgburo

The February 9th Workers' Solidarity Meeting
Let us fight for big, across-the-board wage hikes! Don't allow the JTUC leadership to destroy the spring labour offensive! -The first keynote speech

No to the dispatch of Japanese troops to the Middle East! Oppose the buildup of the nuclear military alliance! Absolutely 'NO!' to the revision of the Constitution!
The second keynote speech

Create a militant upsurge of postal workers' spring labour offensive!

Don't allow the Japan Post Union leadership to distort shunto into a campaign for breaking out of the 'crisis in business'!

Toyota labour aristocrats devoted to the survival of the company


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle (Part 13)
- The valiant struggle against US Army Sagami General Depot, from August to November, 1972
 Militant workers and students fought against the carrying of tanks and military vehicles to Vietnam
- A landmark struggle in Kita-Kumamoto on October 28th, 1972, against the deployment of SDF troops to Okinawa

No. 305
March 2020 Issue
(Printed in January 2020)

For a leap forward in the anti-Stalinist communist movement!
Stop the revision of the Constitution! Break through the crisis of war created by the US-China confrontation!

Stop US's attack on Iran! No to the dispatch of Japanese troops to the Middle East!
Smash the constitutional revision and buildup of the US-Japan military alliance! -
Central Students' Orgburo

A last-ditch attempt of the militarist empire tumbling from the status as the 'sole superpower'

Denounce the Xi government's armed repression of Hong Kong people! 

Intention declared to seize 'world hegemony:
China's 70th anniversary of the foundation

Denounce the passage of the bill to revise the special measures law concerning education workers' working conditions!

Block the introduction of a yearly overtime calculation system based on the fabrication of 'less busy seasons'! Abolish the special measures law!

'Education reform' for a Japanese version of 'AI strategy'

The US-Japan trade agreement: Abe accepted whole Trump's demand to lower tariffs on American farm products

The US-Japan trade agreement ruins Japanese farmers and workers

- Trump forces Japan to buy surplus corn, a result of his own policy of reducing ethanol productiont

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant
The criminal nature of the government plan to take the nuclear fuel debris out of No. 2 reactor

Don't allow the restart of the Onagawa No. 2 nuclear reactor!

The government, together with electric power monopolies, embarked on a 'joint enterprise' of nuclear power generation in an attempt to break the present deadlock


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle (Part 12)
[Nihon National Railway Motive Power Union]'s antiwar struggle resorting to work-to-rule tactics: from April to June, 1972

No. 304
January 2020 Issue
(Printed in November 2019)

The meaning of the Sept. 14 attack on Saudi oil facilities

For an enormous upsurge of anti-constitutional revision, antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles!
Central Students' Orgburo

Condemn the shooting of demonstrators by the Hong Kong police!
No to the invocation of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, an actual martial law!

Denounce the enforcement of a consumption tax hike!

The Abe government's cutting of social security budgets

Denounce the Abe government for having made no relief efforts for the Typhoon No. 19 disaster!

The Abe government has abandoned Typhoon No. 15 victims

The 7th JCP Central Committee Plenum: Bureaucrats wallow in a delusion of an 'opposition party coalition government'

Part II of a fictitious trialogue: JCP bureaucrats' never-ending dream of an 'opposition party coalition government'

Three major conspiracies in postwar Japan and historic crimes of the JCP
Column 1: The crux of the Mitaka Railway Incident, a GHQ-SCAP plot
Column 2: The present JCP leadership justifies its erstwhile definition of the occupation army as a 'liberation army'

Don't allow the introduction of personnel evaluation into the 'work style reform in school'!

A local accident compensation fund rejects the admission of a teacher's death from overwork

No to the introduction of an 'integrated work support system' into schools!

MMT: the illusion of overcoming 'poverty and disparity' with the additional issues of currency

The development of genome editing technology causing further environmental and human destruction

I've decided to make Kuroda's thought my own though at a snail's pace


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle (Part 11)
- A no-time-limit strike by the all-Okinawa union of military base workers: from March to April, 1972


Messages from Foreign Friends to the 57th International Antiwar Assembly (Part 2)

No. 303

November 2019 Issue
(Printed in September 2019)

Don't allow the neo-Stalinist Xi government's military repression against Hong Kong people!

No to US imperialism's attack on Iran! Stop the revision of the Constitution!
Rise up in an antiwar struggle to break through the danger of a world war!
The keynote address to the central meeting of the 57th International Antiwar Assembly

Stop the constitutional revision! Stop Japan's troop dispatch to the Persian Gulf!

South Korea annulled Japan-ROK GSOMIA; a cataclysm caused in East Asia

No to the Abe government's retaliatory economic sanctions on South Korea!

Ultra-right ideologues crying out for a 'hundred-fold retaliation' against the South Korean court judgment on Japan's wartime forcible mobilization of Korean workers

Forced conscription of Korean workers for back-breaking labour during WWII
Crimes committed by the Tennoist state power and monopoly capitalists

'Inappropriate sales' of post office life insurance
Japan Post management shifting the blame onto postal workers

Introduction of a mandatory retirement system at the age of 65 into the post office
Management imposing low wages and severe working conditions

The Health Ministry yelling for 'productivity increases in nursing care'
-- The Abe government scheming to sacrifice social security

A decision to make Marx's burning passion underlying Das Kapital my own flesh and blood


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle
- The struggle against the Okinawa Reversion Agreement,
1. May 19th general strike that shook the whole island of Okinawa
2. The struggle against the signing and ratification of the Agreement that uplifted in Tokyo


Overseas Appeal for the 57th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (English translation)

Messages from Foreign Friends to the 57th International Antiwar Assembly
(Part 1)

No. 302
September 2019 Issue
(Printed in July 2019)

Denounce US imperialism's conspiracy of attacking tankers!
Stop US imperialism's military attack on Iran!

No to the buildup of the US-Japan nuclear military alliance! Stop the revision of the Constitution!

Rise in action against the G-20 Osaka Summit!

Overseas Appeal for the 57th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan
Break through the crisis of war created by the US-China confrontation!
The Executive Committee for the 57th International Antiwar Assembly

Don't allow the Abe government to cover up the issue of "short of 20 million yen for pensioners' livelihood"!

Hot competition between the US and China-Russia in the development and deployment of AI weapons

A plan to deploy top-of-the-line electromagnetic weapons in Ground SDF stations
 Hayabusa 2: a plot for military expansion in space, under the cover of 'science'

Denounce the enforcement of the revised 'Wiretapping Law'!

The Abe government hell-bent on bringing into wider use of each person's 'My Number card'

Revolts within the Japanese Communist Party:
spreading with a crushing defeat in a by-election and nationwide local elections as a turning point
- The confusion and revolts among union members of JCP-affiliated Zenroren
- JCP activists' defiance to their leaders immersed in a 'non-government party coalition'
- JCP Osaka chapter shaken: criticisms cropping up from lower echelon members
- The only 'shining hope' for distressed members of the JCP now in decline might be Kaihoh

No to the school version of the 'work-style reform'!

Fight resolutely by criticizing the official teachers' union leaderships for depending on the Education Ministry to solve the issues!

The government's plan to reorganize the general course at high school, designed to develop 'human resources for technical innovation'

State control of universities has been tightened by the Abe government

More and more foreign workers used as disposable labour-power in the agriculture sector


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle
(Part 9)
- The JRCL created a gigantic upsurge in the 1970 Ampo

No. 301

July 2019 Issue
(Printed in May 2019)

Fight against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!
Central Students' Orgburo

The US-Japan '2 + 2' agreement on a new war plan: cooperation for 'cross-domain operations'

The new National Defense Program Outline subordinate to US military strategy

The relocation of US forces' Field Carrier Landing Practice to and the construction of a new SDF base in Mage-jima, an uninhabited island in southern Kyushu

Denounce the dumping of sand in the new area of the Henoko seashore!

March 25th

Don't allow the JTUC leadership to destroy the spring labour offensive!

Postal workers' spring labour offensive
Denounce the union leaders' acceptance of 'no pay increase for four consecutive years'!

The Abe government's defiant attitude towards the issues of Korean sex slaves and workers drafted by Japanese companies during WWII!

Don't allow the restart of the decrepit Tokai No. 2 Nuclear Plant reactor, the one hit by the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake / tsunami!

The reactionary nature of Keidanren capitalists' plan for the 'power system reform'

The arrest and ouster of Carlos Ghosn
The intensifying confrontation between France and Japan over Nissan's EV technology

My determination to absorb Comrade Kuroda's spirit of 'break and leap' in 1956'

What does it mean to 'objectivize the Subject'?: Learning from Kuroda's praxiology


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle
(Part 8)
- The JRCL led the Ampo
[US-Japan Security Treaty] / Okinawa struggle, against the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance through the 'return of Okinawa to Japan with US nuclear bases', 1969

No. 300

May 2019 Issue
(Printed in March 2019)

The breakdown of the US-DPRK summit talks - Intensifying confrontation between the US and China

US-DPRK summit talks in Hanoi broken down

No to the reclamation work! Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko!
Column: The seabed of landfill-planed site in Henoko is found very soft like mayonnaise

Denounce the Abe government's falsification of research data on workers' incomes!

Build up a mass movement against the revision of the Constitution!
Overcome the JCP' -led 'peace movement' that abandons opposition to the US-Japan military alliance!
Central Students' Orgburo

The all-out offensive of the declining imperialist state of America against China

A 'safety valve' for the neo-Fascist ruling system
A rightward window-dressing of the JCP line for a 'democratic reform of capitalist Japan'

The February 17th Workers' Solidarity Meeting
Let us fight for a militant 2019 spring labour offensive!: the first keynote report
Stop the revision of the Constitution!: the second keynote report

Toyota labour aristocrats endeavouring to 'boost the competitiveness of the company'!

I am learning from Kuroda's 'dialectic of Subject and Object'
Grappling with Kuroda's Introduction to Historical Materialism

The tasks I assign to myself with renewed determination to build our organization

On reading Kuroda's writing on the vanguard organization


The history of the revolutionary antiwar struggle
(Part 7)
- 'Remove all US B-52 Bombers!' A bitter struggle to organize the February 4th general strike throughout Okinawa,
- The solidarity battle to lift the restriction on travel both in the Japanese mainland and in Okinawa,
August 1969

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